
Showing posts from June, 2020

Mix and Match Liburan di Bali

Sebagai negara dengan memiliki dua musim, Indonesia tidak memiliki ciri khas dalam berpakaian untuk menunjang penampilan sehari-hari, tetapi jika melakukan perjalanan liburan dibutuhkan persiapan terlebih dahulu pakaian yang cocok dan nyaman selama liburan disesuaikan dengan tempatnya. Jika ingin liburan di daerah pegunungan maka pakailah jaket supaya tidak merasakan kedinginan.Dan jika ingin melakukan liburan ke Bali sudah tentu harus lebih diperhatikan lagi pakaian yang akan di kenakan supaya liburan dapat menghasilkan kenangan terindah dengan melihat hasil foto di tempat wisata yang dikunjungi. Karena Bali adalah suatu pulau wisata yang memiliki keindahan alam dan tradisi yang menjadi daya tarik, maka sebagai wisatawan sudah pasti harus tahu cara berpakaian yang sopan supaya tidak menyinggung tradisi yang ada di Bali.  Jika wisatawan ingin mengunjungi pantai, diperbolehkan menggunakan baju renang atau baju tipis yang lainnya supaya merasa nyaman dengan terik matahari yang menyen...

Evening Chill at W Hotel Seminyak

A Holiday is the one way to find happiness and quality time with friends. But nowadays, the holiday is the one way to find a good photo of the new place for shared on personal social media. Bali as a world tourism destination is the one of favorite for hunting photos. Not only for tourism spot but many objects could be an object for photography especially for sunset time. The tourists could be taken on the beach or beach club. Beach club is the favorite place for a chill in the evening time waiting for the sunset. Has many different beach club, that's mean the tourists could choice which the favorite one. If they are like chilling at the beach club at the hotel, W hotel Seminyak is one of the best places for catching the sunset.  For the tourists not a guest from the hotel, allowed to come. Don't hesitate to come and feel the ambient of sunset time at W hotel Seminyak.  

Santai Di Rumah Dengan Keponakan


Belajar Membuat Coklat Di Bali


Mengagumi Indahnya Masjid Tua Desa Sade


Mengejar Mentari Pagi Di Gunung Rinjani


Keliling di Museum Bahari


Tempe Burger by Dod's Burger in Bali

A burger is one of the favorite junk food from the State. For who the people as vegan, In Bali has a burger store have a special menu. Tempe burger is one of the special menus from Dod's burger have it. Tempe is the favorite food in Indonesia made of soya beans. Every day, Indonesian people eat food. It has good protein for body and healthy so that's way very popular than meat. Dod's Burger has two stores in Bali. For tourists who are staying in the Kuta area can reach the store in Seminyak street. With a small minimalist store design, it was easy catching must to visit. As accepted by online transportation make it easy for tourists if they are did not want to go out. Dod's burger also has another choice menu burger for all their kind of customers. Let's try this burger, and feel the different taste.

Bermain Air Di Curug Ciampea Bogor


Menikmati Ramahnya Hotel Alila Solo
