
Showing posts from August, 2021

Mix and Match Liburan di Bali

Sebagai negara dengan memiliki dua musim, Indonesia tidak memiliki ciri khas dalam berpakaian untuk menunjang penampilan sehari-hari, tetapi jika melakukan perjalanan liburan dibutuhkan persiapan terlebih dahulu pakaian yang cocok dan nyaman selama liburan disesuaikan dengan tempatnya. Jika ingin liburan di daerah pegunungan maka pakailah jaket supaya tidak merasakan kedinginan.Dan jika ingin melakukan liburan ke Bali sudah tentu harus lebih diperhatikan lagi pakaian yang akan di kenakan supaya liburan dapat menghasilkan kenangan terindah dengan melihat hasil foto di tempat wisata yang dikunjungi. Karena Bali adalah suatu pulau wisata yang memiliki keindahan alam dan tradisi yang menjadi daya tarik, maka sebagai wisatawan sudah pasti harus tahu cara berpakaian yang sopan supaya tidak menyinggung tradisi yang ada di Bali.  Jika wisatawan ingin mengunjungi pantai, diperbolehkan menggunakan baju renang atau baju tipis yang lainnya supaya merasa nyaman dengan terik matahari yang menyen...

La Boheme, The Cafe with Concepts Bali Ambiance in South Jakarta.

  The Bali islands as a world tourism destination became a trendsetter in the food and beverage business to get loyal customers for anyone to open their businesses in Indonesia, especially for a big city like Jakarta.   Even though Jakarta is busy city, we can see many restaurants and cafe building have a nice interior architecture with combine Bali taste to offering for the customer to get feeling Bali vibe with tall building surrounding. The La Boheme hotel in south Jakarta tries to get lucky, they open the cafe with offering Bali vibe and using handcraft as the interior which is the same name as the hotel. The location of La Boheme cafe on two places area inside the hotel, there are is at the lobby and the rooftop hotel. It’s so easy to get there, just open the online map on the smartphone and do texting La Boheme hotel because of the address on the Setiabudi area nearby the Indofood tower. Those who like drink coffee while working, the lobby area is good choice to sitting ...

The Noru Jakarta, Hidden Gem of Rooftop Lounges in the Mid Local Resident Complex on South

The pandemic era of Covid-19 start in earlier 2020 in Indonesia especially in Jakarta, the first city by founded the people did was an infection that virus. Many businesses in Jakarta were stuck on track because the government had strict rules for many businesses. The food and beverage business is the one of that the impact of the rules. Even though, in earlier 2021 was open the new rooftop lounge in south Jakarta in the middle of the local resident complex was. The Noru lounge is the name of that place, with 360 degrees views city of that offer for customers. It was easy to get there because of the location on the rooftop of Nostoi hotel and in the middle of the golden triangle business district in South Jakarta. With Japanese concepts, Noru became a new place to hang out for the Jakarta people even though the pandemic still exists. Don’t ask about the menu book, because the customers should do scan the barcode first to get the menu with their own smartphone. After scanning the barcod...