Mix and Match Liburan di Bali

Sebagai negara dengan memiliki dua musim, Indonesia tidak memiliki ciri khas dalam berpakaian untuk menunjang penampilan sehari-hari, tetapi jika melakukan perjalanan liburan dibutuhkan persiapan terlebih dahulu pakaian yang cocok dan nyaman selama liburan disesuaikan dengan tempatnya. Jika ingin liburan di daerah pegunungan maka pakailah jaket supaya tidak merasakan kedinginan.Dan jika ingin melakukan liburan ke Bali sudah tentu harus lebih diperhatikan lagi pakaian yang akan di kenakan supaya liburan dapat menghasilkan kenangan terindah dengan melihat hasil foto di tempat wisata yang dikunjungi. Karena Bali adalah suatu pulau wisata yang memiliki keindahan alam dan tradisi yang menjadi daya tarik, maka sebagai wisatawan sudah pasti harus tahu cara berpakaian yang sopan supaya tidak menyinggung tradisi yang ada di Bali.  Jika wisatawan ingin mengunjungi pantai, diperbolehkan menggunakan baju renang atau baju tipis yang lainnya supaya merasa nyaman dengan terik matahari yang menyen...

The Capture of Sunset on Kuta Beach is Never End

The holiday in Bali it’s not complete if the tourists didn’t see the sunset on the beach. So many beaches in Bali can be recommended for waiting for the sunset for the tourists. Those the tourists who first holiday in Bali, Kuta beach is a good choice for capture the sunset because will see the crowded by the tourists and local doing activities on the beach.

The Kuta beach was famous for the tourist since '90s until now. For the tourists who like to do extreme activities, they can do learning surfing. So many course companies surfing can be found on the beach and the staff always to be kind do offering to the tourists if to meet them for join a course. The price for 2 hours course is IDR 250K depend on the price deal within both of them. The staff will prepare the first step before the tourist action on the beach, so don’t worry about the safety. Trust the staff, because the staff is a professional surfer so they knew how to surfing are all and knew the waves.

The other activities for the tourists who don’t like an extreme sport, sitting on the chair with a bottle of drink are the good choice for waiting for the sunset. The tourists can saw the locals who selling the drink under the umbrella side of the beach, on halfway Kuta beach “bang Edo” is the best seller with good taste in music and joke. To feel relax with a good ambiance and listen to the wave sound when waiting for the sunset is heaven on earth. Plus the music choice by “bang Edo” makes a perfect time during waiting for the sunset. Don’t forget to buy the drink from “bang Edo’ to company during the sunset.

The last choice is to prepare the towel, drink, and sunscreen is the cheapest way to capture the best moment when the sun was gone. All stuff it can bring from the hotel so no need for money to buy it. But the tourists still can capture the best moment at Kuta beach when the sunset is coming. Before sunset time, the tourists can do sunbathing first to get warm the body after swimming. Lying down on the beach could make the tourists feel relax and get a good mood.

The sunset time is the time for the tourists realize about who they are as a human doesn’t mean the end of the day. 


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