Mix and Match Liburan di Bali

Sebagai negara dengan memiliki dua musim, Indonesia tidak memiliki ciri khas dalam berpakaian untuk menunjang penampilan sehari-hari, tetapi jika melakukan perjalanan liburan dibutuhkan persiapan terlebih dahulu pakaian yang cocok dan nyaman selama liburan disesuaikan dengan tempatnya. Jika ingin liburan di daerah pegunungan maka pakailah jaket supaya tidak merasakan kedinginan.Dan jika ingin melakukan liburan ke Bali sudah tentu harus lebih diperhatikan lagi pakaian yang akan di kenakan supaya liburan dapat menghasilkan kenangan terindah dengan melihat hasil foto di tempat wisata yang dikunjungi. Karena Bali adalah suatu pulau wisata yang memiliki keindahan alam dan tradisi yang menjadi daya tarik, maka sebagai wisatawan sudah pasti harus tahu cara berpakaian yang sopan supaya tidak menyinggung tradisi yang ada di Bali.  Jika wisatawan ingin mengunjungi pantai, diperbolehkan menggunakan baju renang atau baju tipis yang lainnya supaya merasa nyaman dengan terik matahari yang menyen...

The Tibumana Waterfall, shall visit there?


The waterfalls are one of the outdoor tourist attractions by nature couldn’t miss for the person who likes to get wet. In Bali islands, waterfalls always have a magic magnet for the tourists to visit and enjoy nature. Because for to reach waterfalls should do walking in the middle of forest or fields so they are will get cheap relaxation with the nature surrounding. Tibumana waterfall is the famous of waterfalls in Bali nearby of Kato Lampo waterfall must visit.  And this is the five of reason, why should take a tour to visit there.

1. Distance 

Tibumana waterfall is inside the Bangli district area, so not too far from the center of Kuta, around 14 km and taking around 45 minutes to drove by motorbike. Just open the online map for easier and follow the map direction to getting there.

2. Transportation

The motorbike is the famous transportation in Bali islands for easy and cheap. IDR 70k is the price of renting a motorbike per day, to get a good deal, should rent the motorbike for more than 3 days.

3. Entrance fee

IDR 10K is the entry fee that should pay to the local at the first gate when we came in. The tourists who like photography can do taking an iconic selfish photo in the middle of coconut trees and rice fields.

 4. Trekking

Usually, to reach waterfalls we should pass the hard trekking road. But to reach the Tibumana waterfalls we do pass the good road installation with a nice view so will enjoy the trip.

5. Local living

If lucky, we can see the local woman carry the goods on their head when they are walking together going to Dalam Agung temple to pray. Prepare your camera to take a good photo on the street.

The Tibumana waterfall has a rule for the tourists if they want to swim, so we must follow the rule for respect with the local tradition as a guest. The woman with periods do not allow to swim and who those do swim don’t swim under the waterfalls. For changing room, the locally built toilet near the waterfall.


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