Mix and Match Liburan di Bali

Sebagai negara dengan memiliki dua musim, Indonesia tidak memiliki ciri khas dalam berpakaian untuk menunjang penampilan sehari-hari, tetapi jika melakukan perjalanan liburan dibutuhkan persiapan terlebih dahulu pakaian yang cocok dan nyaman selama liburan disesuaikan dengan tempatnya. Jika ingin liburan di daerah pegunungan maka pakailah jaket supaya tidak merasakan kedinginan.Dan jika ingin melakukan liburan ke Bali sudah tentu harus lebih diperhatikan lagi pakaian yang akan di kenakan supaya liburan dapat menghasilkan kenangan terindah dengan melihat hasil foto di tempat wisata yang dikunjungi. Karena Bali adalah suatu pulau wisata yang memiliki keindahan alam dan tradisi yang menjadi daya tarik, maka sebagai wisatawan sudah pasti harus tahu cara berpakaian yang sopan supaya tidak menyinggung tradisi yang ada di Bali.  Jika wisatawan ingin mengunjungi pantai, diperbolehkan menggunakan baju renang atau baju tipis yang lainnya supaya merasa nyaman dengan terik matahari yang menyen...

Acaraki, The New Style Drinks Jamu In City


The herbal drink aka Jamu is the one of the traditional drinks that Indonesian people believe since the kingdom era as a healthy drink. As we are growing up, we had known this drink from a “mbok  jamu”. They are always going around our housing complex to sell her made herbal drink.

Because such as of healthy drink that had any benefits for the body, so nowadays we can know many variants of factory products of herbal drink aka “jamu” selling on the public store. That’s why we can easy to find “jamu” as a healthy drink if our body feels unwell because many Indonesian people have believed that herbal drinks are better than medication for first aid. Therefore based on that phenomenal, in modern life in a big city, we can find a café that has a menu of jamu or in Jakarta has Acaraki.

It was easy to get Acaraki because this café is on Kerta Niaga Complex with colonial building inside of Old Town. The style of Acaraki is minimalist modern with mixed old stuff and craft for interest. The Old Town is a heritage building for tourists, that’s mean so many foreign tourists and locals visit there. An open customer of Acaraki to try the taste of “jamu” and made a new experience for them.

How to order on Acaraki?  it’s easy cause we are just come to the cashier table and choose the “jamu” want to order. The served little a bit different with “mbok jamu”, because in Acaraki similar with drink tea with the teapot. “Jamu” on teapot a price is an average in a big city are Rp 20.000,- exclude tax. If we didn’t want to try “jamu”, we can order tea at the same price. Sometimes we are can meet foreign tourists while trying to drink “jamu”.

Jamu is synonymous with a bitter taste, so many Indonesians do not like to drink herbal drinks. Even if we know how many benefits of drinking herbal drinks, we will definitely choose to drink herbal drinks compared to drinking sweet drinks.


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